I grew up a Catholic. 12 years of parochial school followed by Boston College (Jesuits) before they threw my sorry ass out. I still consider myself such although I don't much formally practice. But I do drop in on a chapel in Downtown Boston frequently just for a little spiritual introspection.
I was always taught that the Catholic Church preaches God's forgiveness to those who humble themselves to ask for it and profess to right their ways. I never considered what or which sins would be beyond God's forgiveness. I never considered much beyond the petty "sins" that I knew in my sphere. Pedophelia? I never even heard of that as a kid. Should rapists be forgiven? Murderers? People like Bernie Madoff? I don't know. I'm not God. But forgiveness is what the Catholic Church believes in.
Is there a special place in heaven for pedophiles? That seems as ridiculous to me as any non Catholic.
This Pope is a liberal in every sense of the word. You know like the rogue soft on crime prosecutors like Boudin, Bragg, Foxx, Gascon etc. etc now interpreting law in many of our big cities. He's also all but a communist. I don't like the guy. My sentiment is shared by many Catholics I know.
That's about all I can tell you.